Today involved a visit to the retina specialist, which means a morning of nervous anticipation on my part. As many of you know, I have some visual problems, so this is not an event I look forward to. Like always, there was a new thing I had to endure. Had to be injected with dye and immediately have what seemed like hundreds of photos of my retina taken. I'll spare you the details, but I am now in my after-visit personal fog!!! So please bear with any spelling/posting errors. I can barely see what I type.
This card was made with There She Goes hilarious set called LOL Taglines. Not all of the stamps apply to my life, but I just love to use them anyhow. This one just cracks me up!!!
Well, hope you are all having a fab day. We have SUNSHINE today and WARMTH.....high 50's, might reach 60's this afternoon! Yeah!!!
Joanne (jojot)
Fabulous card Joanne. Hope your vision clears up soon...you did great on this post! (guess you are becoming an old pro at typing without your vision!)
Pretty, pretty. Awesome job.
Gorgeous colors! I hope your vision gets better.
This is super awesome!! Very creative way to use the sketch!! I LOVE the colors you used!!
gorgeous card Joanne ... Happy Easter!
Ugh, eye exams...I just recently had my first experience with having my eyes dilated. Yikes! Not fun!
Great card!!
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